Enabling accessible prosthetic hands

Trying to help others, regardless of location or circumstance, one hand at a time.

What is our goal 🚀

The EnHands student club aims to develop affordable upper limb prostheses (hand prostheses) for the developing world. We plan to develop a prototype and work together with organisations such as the Naya Qadam Trust, who have experience in providing amputees with low-cost leg prostheses, to help with getting the prostheses to people who need them.

About us 👩‍🔧👩‍🚀🦸‍♀️🧜

EnHands was founded in May 2022 and was officially accredited as a TUM student club in July 2022. The group originates from a group of students participating in the Cybathlon Challenge course and currently consists of students from Mechanical Engineering, Robotics, and Informatics related study programs. Organisationally, EnHands is part of the Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI).

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Meet our Team 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

Our Partners ✨

Donate to EnHands

We are always looking for money to finance our development efforts! You can help fund our prototyping by donating to our bank account — any amount is appreciated. We are also happy to issue a donation receipt for your taxes and answer any questions you might have: just send us an email.

EnHands e.V.
IBAN: DE74 8306 5408 0005 4605 90
GENODEF1SLR (Deutsche Skatbank)

Are you a company and want to become a sponsoring partner to support a student initiative with a meaningful mission? We're happy to partner up! Please reach out to us at info@enhands.de.